About us
Discover our purpose, values, vision and history.
About us
Discover our purpose, values, vision and history.
Corporate Governance
Learn about the main business indicators and governing bodies of the Brisa Group.
Find out how we ensure the operation of around 1 525 km in Portugal.
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Find out what it means to work at Brisa.
Get to know the companies that are part of the Brisa Group.
Brisa Group is a leading European player in mobility platforms and infrastructures, which seeks to transform the quality of life of communities, connecting people through simple, safe and sustainable mobility.
Brisa Group
With more than 50 years, Brisa Auto-Estradas de Portugal operates 5 concessions in Portugal over 1,500 km and 24 service areas in operation. Brisa Group portfolio includes assets divided into five business areas: concessions, road services, mobility technology, vehicle inspections and international business.
Motorway concessions
We manage motorway concessions and cross-cutting support services, including operation and maintenance, asset management and other engineering services.
Brisa Concessão Rodoviária
Brisa Concessão Rodoviária (BCR) is the main concession of the Brisa group and covers the backbone of the Portuguese road system, with a total of 11 operating motorways.
Brisa Operação e Manutenção
Brisa Operação e Manutenção (BOM) mission is to provide integrated specialized monitoring, operation, maintenance and support services to customers and all national motorway concessionaires of the Brisa Group.
Brisa Gestão de Infraestruturas
Brisa Gestão de Infraestruturas (BGI) is the Brisa Group company responsible for managing the group's assets (infrastructures).
Concessão Litoral Centro (Brisal)
Litoral Centro Concession (Brisal) operates the concession of the A17, the Litoral Centro Highway, between Marinha Grande and Mira, a national project that involved more than 180 public and private partners.
Other motorway concessions
Concessão Atlântico (AEA)
Concessão Atlântico (AEA) operates and maintains the A8 and A15, promoting proximity between populations in the region north of Lisbon.
Autoestradas do Baixo Tejo
Auto-Estradas do Baixo Tejo (AEBT) sub-concession includes a set of infrastructures, covering a total of 38 km, with a positive impact on the populations of the district of Setúbal.
Subconcessão do Litoral Oeste
The Litoral Oeste Sub-concession (AELO) is an important link between the A1 - North Highway, the A17 - Central Coast motorway and the A8 - Loures/Leiria motorway.
Concessions for service areas
We ensure quality in complementary services to the journey of users of the Brisa Concessão Rodoviária network, in the operation of service areas.
O Grupo Brisa detém participações em 3 concessões rodoviárias em regiume de project finance: a Concessão Atlantico (AEA), a Subconcessão Autoestradas do Baixo Tejo (AEBT) e a Subconcessão do Litoral Oeste (AELO).
Brisa Áreas de Serviço
Created in 2016, Brisa Áreas de Serviço (BAS) is the result of a partnership between Brisa Auto-Estradas de Portugal and Areas (Elior Group) to manage the service areas of the BCR network.
Technologies for mobility
We develop and market technological solutions for the efficient management of infrastructures and mobility.
A-to-Be (AtB) is the international brand dedicated to the development and delivery of technological solutions for mobility service providers.
A-to-Be US
A-to-Be US (AtBUS), as the sales, distribution and technical support unit of A-to-Be in the United States, has as its mission the promotion of sales, installation and maintenance of technological solutions in areas such as toll collection, mobility and intelligent transport systems.
Mobility services and payments
We manage and ensure electronic charging for road infrastructure services and provide advanced mobility solutions and services.
Via Verde Portugal
Via Verde (VVP) is an automatic collection system present on highways, car parks, restaurants, gas stations and other services.
Via Verde Serviços
Via Verde Serviços (VVS) acts as an integrator of Brisa group's offer for advanced mobility services, and its mission is to develop and implement new mobility products and services.
IZI-to is a Dutch subsidiary of Via Verde. IZI-to B.V., based in the Netherlands, holds the consumer brand MOVE-IZI.
Car inspection and certification services
We provide services related to the automotive sector, including inspection and others.
Occupational Health and Safety Consulting
PrevenControl is a company specialized in advanced health and safety, offering effective and innovative solutions to help evolve the safety culture of organizations and create safer and healthier work environments.