Hero Slider Principal Pontes

Road safety

Find out what makes our highways safer.



Annual investment in the network (2021)



Accident rate (2021)


operational centers

Road safety as a #1 priority

In addition to providing efficient mobility, our main priority is to contribute to establishing the highest standards of road safety.


From investment in infrastructure and intelligent accident prevention and response systems, to awareness campaigns: we are the largest private investor in road safety in Portugal.

Highways are 4x safer

The motorway is an infrastructure whose resources comply with the highest standards of quality and technology when it comes to ensuring that users have the best safety conditions, high levels of service and a comfortable driving experience.

Details that make the difference in the safety of our highways

In addition to the quality of infrastructures and systems, Brisa also works with those who benefit from them, people, contributing to a culture of safe and responsible mobility through various projects:

Awareness campaigns

Brisa regularly carries out advertising actions with the media, as a means of prevention and information.

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