Joining act4nature Portugal

Find out what we are doing to promote biodiversity.

Grupo Brisa Act4nature Portugal

At the end of 2023, Brisa Group joined the act4nature Portugal commitment, an initiative of BCSD Portugal, in which companies commit to protecting, promoting and restoring biodiversity.

By joining act4nature Portugal, Brisa Group has committed itself to integrating nature into its strategy and business model, putting in place measures for the conservation of biological diversity, its restoration, the sustainable use of natural resources and a fair and equitable distribution of the benefits that result from this use.

Common commitments

  1. Integrating biodiversity into our corporate strategy, basing our actions on available scientific knowledge.

  2. Dialogue with the different stakeholders about their expectations and our impacts, actions and progress.

  3. Assess biodiversity in the different dimensions related to our activity, using direct and indirect impact, risk and performance indicators. When relevant for decision-making, assess our impacts and our dependence on the proper functioning of ecosystems in economic terms.

  4. Promote the progressive integration of biological diversity into decisions along our value chains, from the production of natural raw materials to the final stage of the product life cycle, after use by consumers.

  5. As a priority, prevent, reduce and ultimately compensate for our impacts, aiming, on a case-by-case basis, for no net loss or even a net gain of biodiversity in our activities and geographical areas of influence, taking into account the need for ecosystems to adapt to climate change.

  6. Prioritising the development of Nature-Based Solutions, ensuring that they are implemented in a way that is scientifically based and beneficial for biodiversity, and promoting the variety of these solutions.

  7. Integrate biodiversity into our dialogue with political decision-makers in order to encourage its progressive consideration in public policies. When invited to do so, contribute to the national biodiversity strategies of the countries where we operate.

  8. Raise awareness and train our employees on biodiversity and its relationship with the activities they carry out. Promote and encourage nature protection initiatives and recognise their actions and practices in this area.

  9. Mobilise resources and establish appropriate partnerships to support and monitor our actions on the ground.

  10. Report publicly on the implementation of these commitments and our individual commitments presented.

Individual commitments

  1. Public dissemination in 2024 of the Brisa Group's Nature Positive strategy, through the website, the Integrated Report and sector seminars.

  2. By December 2024, communicate the Brisa Group's Nature Positive strategy to 100 per cent of employees and material service providers (with a material impact on action for nature within the scope of the Brisa Group's activity).

  3. By January 2025, update and make available online the Brisa Group's Procurement Policy, which now includes requirements for preventing and minimising impacts on biodiversity, defined through consultancy.

  4. Implement the measures set out in the Nature Positive 2030 Action Plan in the 2023-2028 period, with the aim of 2028 (a specific Action Plan will be drawn up annually):

    i) achieve level 3 of the internal biodiversity action KPI (0 to 4), in the Areas of High Natural Value (AAVN) located in the semi-natural areas covered by Brisa Concessão Rodoviária motorways;

    ii) apply good biodiversity and ecosystem management practices in linear infrastructures in the remaining areas (not AAVN) located in the semi-natural areas covered by Brisa Concessão Rodoviária motorways.

  5. Monitoring the implementation of the Nature Positive Action Plan for the period 2023-2028, including indicators of:

    i) initial characterisation of the intervention areas and validation of the potential baseline (2022) (assessed for 100% of the 5km segments of Brisa Concessão Rodoviária motorways);

    ii) execution of the actions carried out in relation to the plan;

    iii) results (after 12 months), effects (after 18 months) and impacts (after 3 and 5 years) in terms of biodiversity (fauna and flora), habitats (habitats, landscape mosaic and connectivity), risk (invasives and fire) and ecosystem services (e.g. carbon storage and sequestration, water regulation and prevention of soil erosion - assessment on a macro scale (total area)).

  6. By December 2024, train 100 per cent of plant maintenance service providers to implement the measures proposed in the Nature Positive Action Plan in accordance with good biodiversity and ecosystem management practices in linear infrastructures, helping 100 per cent of trainees to acquire new knowledge.

  7. By December 2024, 100 per cent of the workers involved in monitoring the implementation of the Nature Positive Action Plan will have been trained (in matters such as selective vegetation control, management and control of invasive flora, promotion of native flora and monitoring the mortality of fauna by trampling), helping 100 per cent of trainees to acquire new knowledge.

  8. Annually publicise, from 2024 onwards, the actions implemented by the Brisa Group to manage biodiversity and ecosystems, and the respective results, as established in the Nature Positive 2030 Strategy and the respective Action and Monitoring Plans, as well as the annual implementation of act4nature Portugal commitments. This will be publicised through the website, the Integrated Report and sector seminars.
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