The Smart Lab - Aveiro

Learn how we are driving digital transformation in the mobility industry.

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The Smart Lab - Aveiro project is born from a collaboration between Horse Aveiro, Brisa Autoestradas and Via Verde Portugal. The project aims to support start-ups and Portuguese SMEs that want to develop, test and experiment new digital products and services in the automotive and mobility sector.

Digital innovation in mobility

This project is based on two fundamental pillars:

  • the digitalisation of industry
  • new mobility concepts driven by digital technologies

Objectives, activities and expected results

The Smart Lab - Aveiro aims to increase the number of pilots of products/services that the sector’s business fabric can make available to the market, through the support it will provide to SMEs and start-ups and that will allow them to cross the “valley of death”.

This project will develop 59 pilots by September 2025.

Consortium name

The Smart Lab - Aveiro

Consortium leader

Horse Aveiro, S.A.

Start date


Conclusion date



€2 465 362.50

Beneficiary entity

BRISA - Auto-Estradas de Portugal, S.A. / Via Verde Portugal – Gestão de Sistemas Electrónicos de Cobrança, S.A.

Investment: €88 750.00 / €388 500.00

Request document
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