In the context of mobility and intelligent vehicles, Brisa created a partnership with Fidelidade in order to explore telematics insurance, with Via Verde Connected Cars (VVCC) being the exclusive mediator of Fidelidade.
Within the group's structure, VVCC is presented as an affiliate company of Via Verde Serviços.
App Smart Drive
The Smart Drive app was created internally by teams from A-to- Be and is based on a scoring algorithm (provided by The Floow), which allows drivers to evaluate their driving. Based on the score obtained, drivers receive insurance proposals with discounts.
This product is marketed through VVCC, through a licence to use the app, provided by VVS.
Despite being a VVCC business stream in the sale of insurance, one of its main pillars is the promotion and awareness of road safety.
Via Verde Seguros
In the course of the partnership with Fidelidade, and in order to capitalise on Via Verde's database, the opportunity was identified to create an auto insurance simulator, within the Via Verde ecosystem.
This product is based on three areas: car, motorbike and bicycle.